Guidelines for Planning a Retirement Workshop

Guidelines for Planning a Retirement Workshop:  IRTA

  • Secure a location. School administration offices likely have a large meeting room or will direct to one of their other buildings.
  • Find a presenter.
    1. A financial planner with an understanding of Indiana’s retirement system for teachers is essential. Most will do as a courtesy (and the prospect of picking up some clients). It should not be a presentation on the benefits of a particular company. – or-
    2. IRTA has partnered with Coffman Wealth Management to record videos that will fulfill the presentation for financial planner. There will be several videos on variety of subject including an explanation on the Teacher Retirement Fund pension system, as well as ones that address common concerns such as “how much do I need to retire’ and “income streams”.  These videos will be on the IRTA website for counties/local to use in place of a live presenter.  These videos will also be available for anyone to view as a follow up or on their own.    
  • Set the date in advance as much as possible to allow notices to go out. Avoid just before breaks.  Watch out for conflicts with major school events. Mid fall or mid spring are good times, as the pace is less stressful.
  • Once set, spread the word through the local teachers’ association and building principals. An RSVP is helpful to determine turnout. Advertise that the target audience is for all teachers, regardless of his/her anticipated actual retirement.  Make sure to share the information with other school districts within an easy drive and plan a starting time accordingly.
  • Keep the workshop to a set agenda and as brief as possible. Teachers are tired after a full day and won’t want to stay a long time.  Try to start on time and don’t run over.  If a participant has questions specific to his/her situation, they should plan to meet individually with the presenter.
  • Ask presenter to cover essential topics: planning ahead for both the financial and emotional impact, an overview of Indiana retirement system, use of new free time, etc.
  • Have at least two IRTA members present to greet guests, check off those who show up, keep the agenda on task, thank participants and leader for coming, etc.
  • Have brochures from IRTA to pass out about membership and the Indiana Retired Teachers Association Foundation: annual scholarships, classroom teacher grants, and the Hand Up grants.
  • Arrange for snacks and drinks for the participants. Sometimes the lead presenter will sponsor this portion.
  • Follow up with a written thank you to the presenter for his/her time and call the building that hosted and thank as well.

Updated April, 2023

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