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How to Make Next Year Your Best Year: Tips for Keeping Your 2021 Resolutions

December 10, 2020

December is the time of holidays, reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the new one. A new year can feel like a fresh start, a great opportunity to end bad habits and create positive goals. Some of the most common resolutions are to lose weight, make better financial choices, quit smoking, and spend more time with family. Of course, resolutions are easier to make than to keep.

Here are some helpful ideas to make it easier and more realistic to keep your 2021 resolutions.

Have A Plan

Planning is an essential part of achieving any goal. For one thing, it allows you to consider the barriers to success and how to overcome them.

Start by writing down your goal and make a list of things you can do to achieve it. By knowing exactly what you want to accomplish and the difficulties you might face, you'll be better prepared to stick to your resolution and overcome potential struggles.

Go Big – But Also Specific and Realistic

All too often people make vague, ambiguous resolutions like "lose weight" or "get in shape". Instead, give your resolution focus. Choosing a concrete, an achievable goal gives you the power to plan exactly how you are going to accomplish it. For example, your resolution could be “I want to lose 10 pounds” or “By September, I want to run a half-marathon”.

Break Big Dreams into Small Steps

The #1 reason why many New Year's resolutions fail is that we take on too much at once. Dramatically slashing calories, overdoing it at the gym, or radically altering our normal behavior are surefire ways to derail good resolutions. Taking tiny steps will ultimately help you reach your larger goal.

  • If you are trying to eat healthier, start by replacing some of your favorite junk foods with more nutritious foods.
  • If you have resolved to run a marathon, start out by going for a jog two or three times a week.

Small changes make it easier to stick with ambitious goals and increase the likelihood of long-term success.

Get Support from Your Support Network

Why is the advice to work with family and friends so common? Because the buddy system actually works! Your family and friends can encourage you on your path, keep you motivated, and even join you on your journey and be a teammate! New Year’s resolutions can also be a great opportunity to make new friends by joining a group that shares your goal.

Patience, Patience, Patience

Changing years of indulging in a bad habit is going to take more than a few days to get used to, but it’s worth it. You will be making a change for the better and to be healthier and happier.

It’s Worth the Try - Really!

While many people fall short of achieving their goals, there is some good news. According to a Journal of Clinical Psychology study, those who set New Year's resolutions are 10 times more likely to actually change their behavior than people who don't make these yearly goals.

Resolving to create a healthier lifestyle is always an excellent idea. But even if sticking to your resolution proves difficult, the Whole Life Policy from your association and AMBA will accept you just the way you are. No health requirements, no fluctuating premiums, no cancellations for any reason. It’s a pre-approved policy with locked-in rates and comes with a no-obligation 60-day return policy. Even better, you can now purchase your policy online!


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