In Today’s Pandemic, Coverage For Emergency Transportation Is Essential
October 28, 2020
Having coverage for emergency medical transport has always been a good idea. After all, emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. But in the age of the coronavirus, making sure you’re covered is more important than ever.
Patients who test positive for the coronavirus who require hospitalization are learning some difficult lessons how Medicare often doesn’t cover all of the cost of ground and air ambulance services. Most patients, and their families, are shocked when they receive emergency medical transportation bills.
An unfortunately common example are intubated coronavirus patients who begin to decline enough that doctors, concerned that their patient won’t survive without better critical care resources, decide to airlift them to another hospital. In one example, a Philadelphia woman was transported via helicopter to another facility 20 miles away, and later received an invoice for more than $52,000. Even though both hospitals were in-network for her, she had no coverage for the medical transportation and was left responsible for the full amount.
With a median charge of more than $38,000, air ambulances are the most expensive type of surprise medical bills. The prices are quickly increasing, too, rising about 15 percent each year since 2015.
Ground ambulances are another source of surprise billing for many coronavirus patients. One patient was surprised to receive two substantial medical bills for the ambulances that took her and her husband to a hospital one mile from their house.
“They took us around the corner,” she said. “I could have walked.”
You can protect yourself and your loved ones from these costly bills. With a policy through Medical Air Services Association (MASA), there are no premiums, deductibles or other hassles. Pay once and you’re covered. MASA covers best-in-class emergency air and ground transport 24/7 from home or anywhere in the world, plus transportation of vehicles, children, grandchildren, and even pets at no additional cost. Learn more at or call 877-290-3170.

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