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You’re Not Retired - You’re Busy Doing What You Love! Getting The Most Out Of Your Retirement

July 30, 2020

It’s a common theme: many of us wondered if we’d be able to keep ourselves busy enough when we retired. Then, once we’re enjoying retirement, our schedules are so busy, we find ourselves wondering how we had enough time to work.

For happily retired boomers, rather than lazy days spent puttering around the house, many retirees are finding plenty to occupy their time. It’s important to remember: no matter how much you plan for retirement, once you do, your whole world changes overnight. Instead of a regimented schedule, it’s up to you to keep your days and life busy and interesting.

For some of us, retirement is finally the time you work on your terms: your interests, your schedule, your needs. It starts with the simple question: what would you like to do, but never got a chance to while you were working?

For one long-time married couple, that means Joan now has time to pursue her passion for art. She is studying water colors and is reading books about her favorite artists. Her husband James enjoys volunteering, which is an increasingly popular way new retirees spend their time and help take care of their community.

Other retirees may travel, spend time with family or pursue new hobbies. Remember: this is your time, so do what you enjoy.

  • Do you like to help other people? There are many ways you can volunteer within your community. You can help seniors with meals or transportation, tutor children to improve their reading and writing skills, or help pack or distribute food at local food banks.
  • Do you enjoy physical activity and the outdoors? If you’ve spent your working years dreaming of hiking, kayaking and playing golf or tennis, this is your time.
  • Try it – you might like it! Take a history class, go on a camping trip, take up a crafts project: discover what motivates you. Experimenting with your options will help you find your passions.
  • Who says it has to be one hobby? You could socialize with a walking group in the afternoon, then take an afternoon class, and spend your evening enjoying a book or TV. In retirement, you can have it all!

Along with pursuing your interests and hobbies, for a successful retirement, you should make sure you have all the benefits you need. That’s why you should schedule a free Benefits Review with an AMBA representative. They can help identify gaps in your insurance coverage and recommend policies that can fill those needs. Call AMBA at (866)979-0497 or visit

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