Want to Get Insights on Your Overall Health? Get an Eye Exam.

We all know the saying “the eyes are the window to the soul”. But for your ophthalmologist, eyes are also windows to the live action of blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerves throughout the entire body.  Issues spotted in the eye can often be the first indications of health problems elsewhere in the body. Here are 5 surprising conditions eye doctors can detect during a...
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Finding the Balance: The Keys To Successful Retirement

For many of us, work has been the center of our lives for years. Everything else was secondary to giving work our all. Between working all week and focusing on family nights and weekends, you might have found little time to focus on yourself. Many people find little room for “Me Time”. Now, in retirement, many of us have to step back and figure out, “Now that I’m no...
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Screen Time Is Strain Time: Protecting Your Eyes While Online

The news is full of stories about how the pandemic is putting economic and emotional strains on many of us. But what’s frequently overlooked – no pun intended - is the indirect effect the situation is putting on our eyes. With more people spending a greater amount of time at home, the use of digital devices such as using computers for web browsing, checking social media, and...
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5 Ways to Join the Fight Against Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their life. Everyone, women and men, should want to do their part to raise awareness and do their part to find a cure. Whether you’re a breast cancer survivor, know someone who is combatting the disease, or just want to increase awareness and join the fight against breast cancer, here are 5 ways to...
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