Heading for the Great Outdoors? Get In On Savings 💰 with AMBA Discounts

Summertime health and fitness is synonymous with outdoor pursuits like golfing, cycling, or hiking. From great gear to wearable tech, AMBA Discounts has you covered with amazing discounts and promotions. Hurley Bikes Hurley understands that, for many, biking is more than just a hobby - it's a way of life. That’s why the team at Hurley is committed to providing customers with the...
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Celebrate Summer with Our Peach Blueberry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

If your summers are loaded with BBQ’s, get-togethers, and a little over-indulging, you probably need to add more nutrition to your diet. Smoothies are a great way to start every day. They’re not only delicious, but also a quick and easy way to ensure you get the recommended daily fruit and veggies and are packed with extra vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber. This Peach...
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Tips to Prevent Accidents at Home

Getting older brings many things. Wisdom, memories, and experience are good examples. Unfortunately, getting older also brings increased risk of accidents and injuries, even in the supposed safety of our homes. Falling is a common cause of injury among older Americans, resulting in over 8 million trips to the emergency room for nonfatal injuries. Recognizing and taking steps to...
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Sandy and Ellie’s Excellent Adventure: Two 81-Year-Olds Travel the World in 80 Days

Sandy Hazelip and Ellie Hambry wanted to do something special to celebrate their 80 th birthdays. When Sandy proposed a unique adventure for their milestones, her friend was immediately thrilled with the idea: to travel the world in 80 days for their 80 th birthday. The COVID-19 pandemic may have stalled the two friends’ whirlwind trip, but only briefly. After all, the two met in...
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