Are You Prepared If Your Hiking Vacation Becomes A Helicopter Rescue?

In March of 2020, Margaret was looking forward to visiting friends in Arizona. They were going to meet up in Phoenix and drive north to hike the Grand Canyon. Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the trip was delayed. The team finally met up last month. Unfortunately, another setback occurred, but this time on the trail.  The group started their hike on the Widforss Trail around 9am....
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Recovering at Home: The Benefits of a Home Healthcare Policy

Returning home from a hospital stay can be cause for great relief, but here’s a statistic to consider: Older adults are even more at risk for dehydration, poor nutrition, weakness, and falls during the first 24-48 hours at home from a hospital visit. To help prevent complications, illness and even readmission to the hospital, a home caregiver can provide excellent care to help out...
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If Something Happens to You, What Happens to Them? Why Life Insurance is a Must

For many of us, one of the greatest causes of worry is the difficult financial impacts of our final expenses on our loved ones. If your family doesn’t have the funds needed to cover the costs, end of life expenses, like funeral costs, can be overwhelming. There is an alternative to leaving your family having to pay out of pocket for funeral costs. In 2019, the average funeral cost for...
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Envisioning the Future of Eye Care: Tele-Optometry Offers Convenience and Quality Care

The current pandemic means many of us are trying out new ways of doing everyday tasks and experimenting with technology. While it has been a difficult period for everyone, there are some useful lessons and learnings we can take from the experience.    When we start to experience COVID-19 recovery, we won’t simply revert back to the previous ways. Though time will tell what...
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