7 Interesting Things About Daylight Saving Time
Here we go again. Get ready to “spring-forward” and set the clocks ahead on Sunday, March 13 at 2am to observe the start of Daylight Savings Time (DST). How did this odd custom get started? Why do we lose an hour of sleep each spring only to gain it back in the fall? How Daylight Savings Time Got Started Believe it or not, it was Founding Father Benjamin Franklin who...Read More
If Your Passion Is Peanut Butter, Then You’ll Love This Peanut Butter Pizookie Recipe
Calling all fellow peanut butter lovers! March 1 st is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day! And the best way to celebrate is by making the family the amaaazing, delicious confection known as Peanut Butter Pizookie! What’s a pizookie? Pizookie is a “pizza” + “cookie” combination, typically baked to order in a skillet and served warm with a...Read More
Tips for Better Sleep, from A to Zzzz
A good night’s sleep improves more than just your mood. Sleep is beneficial for your heart health, memory, even your immune system. Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of shut-eye a night to maintain health and happiness. Here are some of the most effective ways to make sure you get the amount you need to be your most effective. A Better Sleep Starts with the Right Environment...Read More
28 Ways to Make February Fun and Festive
With only 28 days, February may be the shortest month, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to make February your most enjoyable month. There’s a lot going on in February and lots you can do to make the most of the month ahead. February: 28 Days and 28 Ways Enjoy the winter wonderland: bundle up and head outside to the nearest nature trail to take in...Read More
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