How to Make Next Year Your Best Year: Tips for Keeping Your 2021 Resolutions

December is the time of holidays, reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the new one. A new year can feel like a fresh start, a great opportunity to end bad habits and create positive goals. Some of the most common resolutions are to lose weight, make better financial choices, quit smoking, and spend more time with family. Of course, resolutions are easier to make than to...
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If you think glaucoma only affects seniors, think again. Currently, there are about 3 million people over the age of 40 in the U.S. who have glaucoma. There are estimates that by 2030, the number of people with the condition may surpass 4 million. That’s especially concerning because 1) glaucoma is already the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the U.S., 2) many experts estimate...
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What the Helicopter?! Protect Yourself from the Sky-High Cost of Emergency Transportation.

Learning about the importance of getting an emergency medical transport membership might seem boring and filled with difficult-to-understand language. That’s why we created this fun video to explain everything you need to know about Medical Air Services Association or MASA. It discusses everything from: Why you should get it (did you know Medicare doesn’t provide full...
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In Today’s Pandemic, Coverage For Emergency Transportation Is Essential

Having coverage for emergency medical transport has always been a good idea. After all, emergencies can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. But in the age of the coronavirus, making sure you’re covered is more important than ever.  Patients who test positive for the coronavirus who require hospitalization are learning some difficult lessons how Medicare often doesn’t cover...
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