Looking Out For Your Vision: 3 Unusual Eye Conditions

There’s truth to the saying, “with age comes wisdom”. Unfortunately, age can also bring eye issues. After 50, being mindful of these changes increases with every year because early detection can help protect your vision and prevent vision loss. Here are 3 eye conditions to be aware of as you enter your 50s and beyond. Eye Conditions To Watch Out For 1. Low vision Low...
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Are You In The Sandwich Generation?

Children Below. Parents Above. Stressed-Out Caregivers in the Middle.   In 1981, social worker Dorothy Miller coined the name “the sandwich generation”. The term describes adult children who are “sandwiched” between their aging parents and their own maturing children. Many people thought retirement would be a time to finally be free of responsibilities....
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Check In with the Best Hotel Rates with AMBA Passport!

Summer is here, and that means it’s time to pack the bags, grab the camera, and enjoy some travel with the best hotel rates around! AMBA Passport has amazing deals to help you get the most from your adventure dollar. And we’re not talking about some run-of-the-mill discount. When you book your hotels or lodging with Passport Travel Services, you can save up to 65%. All...
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Reader’s Recipes! How to Make Grandma Lyman’s Homemade Bread

We invited you to send in some of your favorite family recipes, and we are overwhelmed with your responses! We thought we’d kick things off with a favorite food for many of us. As all good cooks and passionate foodies know, making sweet dough rolls is easy, but making great bread is a different matter altogether! Let’s get this month’s featured recipe started with Grandma...
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