Fill Me In: What’s a MedSup Plan?

A MedSup policy, also known as Medigap or Medicare Supplement, can help you to lower out of pocket costs by filling in the gaps of Medicare.  Medicare A and B 'help' to pay the health care costs for Medicare participants. There are, however, a number of gaps that require a participant to pay out of pocket. In some cases these out of pocket costs can be significant, even many thousands...
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Learn the Acronym EMS Uses to Determine If It’s Time for an Emergency Airlift

When time is of the essence, an emergency helicopter ride could be what determines whether a patient lives or dies. It’s up to the first responders on the scene to determine how imperative the situation is. An emergency helicopter ride can help a patient arrive at a hospital faster. But even a normal ambulance ride can cost thousands of dollars. An airlift can cost as much as $50,000 and...
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Need A Little Extra Money? A Whole Life Policy Is A Great Option

What would you think if you had access to a pot of cash that not only accrues interest; it can also be tapped tax-free? With the purchase of a Whole Life policy, you do. All you have to do is pay a fixed premium and you get in return a tax-deferred interest-bearing account, known as cash value. You can take out a loan free of taxes at an attractive interest rate.  Done properly,...
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Can COVID-19 Damage Your Oral Health?

COVID-19’s greatest danger is the damage it can cause in the lungs. Along with issues like difficulty of breathing and weeks of fatigue, throughout the pandemic we’ve continued to learn other issues the virus can cause. Along with issues like weeks of fatigue, the loss of taste or smell, hair loss and even “COVID Toes”, now there are anecdotal instances that indicate...
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