Finding The Balance: Returning To Normal, Safely

As excited as we are for restaurants, salons, and other businesses to reopen, it’s still important to take steps to protect yourself and others around you. We all want our normal routines to resume just as they were before social distancing measures were put in place. But in order to stay safe, normal life will have to accommodate the new normal, at least for now. Below are some options...
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Vision Doesn't Have To Decline As We Age: Taking These Actions May Help

Here are two straight-forward questions with answers that aren’t as simple as you may initially think: Does your eyesight seem to be getting worse? If so, why do you think? Most people would answer, “Yes” and “Because I’m getting older”. But here’s some good news: Although almost half of the people with a visual disability are 65 or...
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Summer Vacation: Getting Away, Safely, With Some Thoughtful Planning.

After spending months at home, who isn’t ready for some travel? And if you’re retired, you may have even more wanderlust. Fares and rates are extremely favorable and tourists will have extra legroom on the plane and at their destination. But, whether you already have a trip booked or are thinking of potential destinations, it’s important to consider the current circumstances....
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Retiring Director Says 'Thank You'

Note - Tom Mellish, who has served as Executive Director since 2015, is retiring following a long career as an educator and then as IRTA's leader. As I get ready to walk away, I want to thank everyone who made this such a great tenure for me at IRTA. I traveled the state and enjoyed visiting each chapter, each with your own uniqueness, but with dedication to your communities. I...
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